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Missionary Feli and some of the trainees sharing the gospel with a lady they met.
Ocosingo, Chiapas, Mexico
The Evangelism Training in Chiapas, Mexico was a huge success! 35 Pastors and leaders from 10 villages participated in this training.
They were taught how to tell gospel stories using various tools like a gospel bracelet as a conversation starter.
Following their time of instruction and prayer together for the city of Ocosingo, they went out into the park, and in their own Mayan languages, shared the gospel for 2 hours with people. During that time they saw 21 people give their lives to Jesus! Praise the Lord!
They are all very excited to get back to their villages and start using this training to reach out to their communities! Pray for courage as they begin to have conversations with people, some of whom have caused direct persecution to believers.
They also enjoyed sweet fellowship with one another. The leaders from these villages had never spent time altogether before. It was an historic time together, and one they'd love to repeat.
Thank you for your prayers and support for this amazing training. Because of you, 21 new brothers and sisters are beginning their journey of faith. Pray for Pastor Jaime as he follows up with these new believers, disciples them and plugs them into bible teaching churches. Pray for the Lord to raise up spiritual leaders among those who have come to faith in Christ.
In God's Grace,
Cheryl & Dawn For ConnecTree